Lytton Park Tennis, is seeking part-time instructors and/or location coordinators for its upcoming Indoor/Outdoor Tennis Programs. This exciting and growing program is looking for enthusiastic instructors for both immediate and fall/winter positions. Potential candidates should be dependable, enjoy teaching kids and have an ability to motivate. He or she should have excellent communication skills, be organized and punctual. A police check will be required as well as attending an instructor training class. Having access to a vehicle and being first aid certified are assets. Junior lessons are focused on children ages 4-16. Competitive wages commensurate with applicant’s qualifications and experience. Please send an email for further information or call 647.710.9739.
Pine Point Tennis Camp, is seeking part-time instructors for its upcoming Summer Tennis Programs in July and August. Potential candidates should be dependable, enjoy teaching kids and have an ability to communicate. He or she should have excellent motivational skills, be organized and punctual. Please send an email with resume and references
The Sunshine Tennis Project is a progressive tennis outreach initiative for children ages 6-12. They’re always looking for self-motivated, qualified tennis instructors who are passionate about developing community outreach. Please send an email for more information.